Black titi

The black titi ( Callicebus lugens ) is a primate of the species of titi monkeys within the family of Sakiaffen ( Pitheciidae ). He was regarded until recently as a subspecies of Collared Titi Monkey.


Black titi monkeys are like all titi monkeys relatively small primates with fluffy fur. This is dyed black all over the body, only the hands and a cross strip along the throat are whitish. The tail is longer than the body and bushy, it can not be used as a prehensile tail. The head is small and round.

Distribution and habitat

Black titi monkeys have the most northerly distribution area of all titi monkeys, it includes the southeastern Colombia, southern Venezuela and northwestern Brazil ( states of Amazonas and Roraima ). In the north, the range extends to the Orinoco, in the south to the Rio Caquetá and the Rio Negro. Their habitat is forests.

Way of life

Not much is known about the life of black titi monkeys, probably agrees with that of the other Spring monkeys agree. They are diurnal and arboreal, moving on all fours, or jumping through the branches. Titi monkeys live in strictly monogamous family groups of one male, one female and the common offspring. These groups inhabit a fixed area, attention is drawn to the conspecifics morning duet songs. The food is composed of fruit and to a small extent from the seeds, leaves and insects. The father is deeply involved in the rearing of the young. He wears the boy and passes it the only mother to suckle.


Black titi monkeys inhabit a large, sparsely populated by humans area. They are not endangered, according to IUCN.
