Bladder sphincter dyssynergia

The detrusor - sphincter dyssynergia (DSD ) is a bladder disorder that is characterized by the disturbed interaction of the involved emptying the bladder anatomical structures.

One of hyperreflexia of the detrusor muscle of bladder is here compared to a spastic dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles and the external sphincter ( sphincter externus vesicae ), resulting in obstruction of the bladder outlet at the same time Miktionsanstrengung. The reflex contraction of the bladder detrusor M. is already triggered by small amounts of urine, resulting in incontinence with leaving small amounts of urine. For this reason, only insignificant amounts of residual urine occur.

The increased intravesical pressure during voiding can lead to Detrusorschädigung, vesicoureteral reflux, and ultimately to kidney damage.

Cause of the emergence of a DSD is for example a traumatic spinal cord injury, as well as neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis may lead to the clinical picture. In any case the damage occurs at the spinal level above the center bladder sacral (S2 - S4). Only with intact sacral bubble center remain innervation of the detrusor muscle and get reflex arc.

To clarify a DSD video urodynamics and Urethradruckmessung be used as investigation techniques.
