Blueberry River (Minnesota)

The Blueberry River in Blueberry Township

About the Shell River and Crow Wing River, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River and drains a rural area.

The river's name is a translation of his name in the language of the Ojibwe.


The Blueberry River rises in the Green Valley Township in the southeast of Becker County and flows in a southeasterly direction. It runs a short distance to the southwest de Hubbard County and then passes into the north-west of Wadena County, where the Kettle River discharges and flows through the city of Menahga. It flows into the Blueberry Lake of the Shell River in Blueberry Township, Wadena County, approximately 3 km north of Menahga. The Blueberry River runs in the ecoregion of northern lakes and forests, which is characterized by conifers and hardwood forests and consists of flat and corrugated Grundmoränenebenen Sandern.
