Bockhorner Bach


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The Bockhorner stream in the north of Greven is a right tributary of the Eltingmühlenbachs in North Rhine- Westphalia and Lower Saxony, Germany. In Lower Saxony section of the river Dumber Bach is called.


The Bockhorner creek rises about 3.3 kilometers north of Glandorf and about 3.1 km south-southeast of Lengerich at an altitude of 76 m above sea level. NN. It flows primarily to the southwest and passes after a short run, the border of Lower Saxony. After the stream has flowed over the north of Schwege it happened again the border and ends slightly later at 53 m above sea level. NN in the Eltingmühlenbach. The mouth is located about 4 km northeast of Greven.

On its 11.7 km long road of Bach overcomes a height difference of 23 m, corresponding to an average bed slope of 2 ‰. The stream flow to several short tributaries. Worth mentioning here as tributary is the 1.5 km long Imhorster Bach. The catchment area is 29.818 km ².
