Bodega Head

Bodega Head is a small promontory on the Pacific coast of northern California in the United States. It is located in Sonoma County about 64 km northwest of San Francisco and about 32 km west of Santa Rosa.

The Peninsula, which is about 6.4 km long and 1.6 km wide, is emerging from the coast in the south. It protects the flat, sandy Bodega Bay, Bodega Harbor whose inner part is called. The Sonoma Coast State Beach includes beaches and dunes along the southern side of the promontory. The University of California organized an ongoing marine biology program at the Bodega Marine Laboratory. The peninsula comprises a main town to watch the Walwanderung. A number of ways are a popular destination for recreational hikers.

The peninsula was inhabited perhaps the Miwok before the arrival of Europäervon. Campbell Cove on the eastern side of the promontory of the landing site of Sir Francis Drake in 1577 could be.


Bodega Head is right on the western side of the San Andreas Fault, which runs between the foothills and the mainland. During the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, the promontory moved about 5 m and shifted the port to the north towards the mainland.

Geologically, there are several rocks on the Bodega Head, from those on the mainland to those in the east. While the rocks of Bodega Head are made of granite, the continental rocks oceanic origin from the Franciscan complex. Bodega Head is the northern tip of a huge geological province called Salinian block, the core is the same origin as the core of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The block ripped off from the continent, as the San Andreas Fault was created 20 million years ago and was transported hundreds of kilometers to the north. Other nearby examples of the Salinian block are the Point Reyes Peninsula and the Farallon Islands.

A controversial attempt by the Pacific Gas and Electric failed to build a nuclear power plant on the peninsula in the late 50s of the last century because of environmental protection and the possible danger of earthquakes.

Pictures of Bodega Head
