Bombus hypnorum

Male tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum )

The tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum ) is an above-ground nesting bumblebee species.


The tree bumblebees typically have an orange -brown to black chest (thorax ), a black abdomen ( tummy) and a white body end.

The queen is 17 to 20 mm long, has a wingspan of 35-38 mm and a 11 to 12 millimeters long trunk. For the workers, these quantities are (body length, wingspan and trunk length) 8 to 18, 19 to 32 and 8 to 10 millimeters, and in the males (drones ) from 14 to 16, 28 to 32 and 7 to 9 millimeters.


This hummelart comes in Western, Central, Eastern and Northern Europe before, with the exception of the British Isles. However, in southern Europe it is only found in the higher elevations. It is in light forests, found along forest edges, parks and gardens.


A nation of tree Hummel comprises about 80 to 400 animals. It builds its nests always above ground, for example in old bird nests in burrows, walls and crevices, attics, sheds, barns and the like, where they also likes to refer bumblebee nest boxes. There is one generation per year, with the queen hibernates.
