
A bookmarklet (also Favelet ) is a small program written in JavaScript macro that is stored as a bookmark, and thereby extends the functionality of a web browser. It allows, for example, to change the appearance or functionality of web pages on the client side. Technically, a bookmarklet is a bookmark on the pseudo-protocol javascript:, which makes it possible to execute JavaScript code by the browser.

Normally, an embedded JavaScript in a web page when you call the website or when certain actions are performed as submitting a form or similar. Nature and timing of execution determines the creator of the website. Contrast, is applied in the case of Bookmarklets JavaScript code contained on the currently displayed web page by the bookmarklet is selected after the page has loaded.

Possible applications include reading the marking and the surrender of the selected text to other Web sites, calculations, word transformations, URL manipulation, manipulation of the Document Object Model, whois queries, etc.

The support in the various browsers depends on the bookmarks from the respective support JavaScript URLs. In addition, of course, the support of the respective parts of the JavaScript code plays a role.

Other examples

List of displayed web pages

The bookmarklet creates a new page where all the links of the website that appears to be enumerated.

Javascript:WN7z=open('','Z6','width=400,height=200,scrollbars,resizable,menubar');DL5e=document.links;with(WN7z.document){write(' '); for ( LKI = 0; LKI < DL5e.length; . LKI ) {write ( DL5e [ LKI ] toString (). link ( DL5e [ LKI ] ) '

')}; void ( close () ) } Reverse search phone numbers

The following bookmarklet offers a reverse lookup of phone numbers. Thereby, a search on the currently highlighted phone number on the website or if no selection exists is displayed an input field:

Javascript:Qr=document.getSelection();if(!Qr){void(Qr=prompt('Telefonnummer',''))};if(Qr)location.href='' escape(Qr) Web Links

  • Article about bookmarklets on SelfHTML currently
  • Jesse's Bookmarklets Site
  • Web
  • ECMAScript