
Bořislav ( German Boreslau ) is a Czech community in Okres Teplice. The place more than twelve kilometers southeast of Teplice on the European road 55 between Lovosice.


The first written evidence of 1169th The village is named on the deed of gift of Vladislav II. He gave Bořislav the Hospitallers. Since 1352 a parish is detectable in place. Later, the village came under the rule of the monastery in Teplice and in the 16th century under the rule of the Counts of Teplice Clary Aldringens.

The village lay on the Teplitzer way a section of the Serbian road. At this junction marched the Russian and Austrian armies during the Napoleonic Wars. In consequence of these passages, the village was often destroyed and infested with diseases.

Community structure

The municipality consists of the villages and Bořislav Katastralbezirken Bílka ( Pilkau ) and Bořislav ( Boreslau ).


The village has always been dominated by agriculture. Was grown mostly hops and fruit.


In the village is the monastery of St. Catherine from 1717 that was recently totally remodeled in 1820. 1903 was added in an evangelical church.

3 km to the south is the Milešovka ( Milleschauer ), the highest mountain of the Bohemian Uplands.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Volker Watzka, (* 1938), German jurist and district administrator Emmendingen