Botanischer Garten der Stadt Neuss

The Botanical Garden of the city of Neuss is a botanical garden in Epiphany district of Neuss. It is located between the grains road and mountain Strasse. The garden was opened in 1914 as a botanical garden school. The garden is open during the day.


For plants range includes Caucasian wingnut and handkerchief tree. Our facilities include an aviary. 1999 was added the bird's eye view house. Among the birds are cockatiels, parakeets, lovebirds, dwarf quail, Rose Finch and Zebra Finch. In plants show house, there are two departments: the Department with desert succulents and tropical section, among other things with ginger, bananas, orchids and bromeliads.

The Botanical Garden is the association " Friends and Supporters of the Botanical Garden Neuss eV " promoted chaired by Herbert Rothstein. Sponsors counts since 2001 RheinLand insurance group. For the club " working group biology classes at the Botanical Garden " belongs. 2004 created a herb spiral, medicinal plants and herbs beds and beds for students, among others, in cooperation with the Nature Conservation NRW Youth. The work in this area of about 500 m² size is supported by the company Niederrhein Ranger Natural Gardens Willemsen.


By Council Decision of 15 September 2000 was confirmed to maintain the garden and to build over any part surfaces. A further Council decision of 2001 provides additional design ideas for the case of the freeing of space. 2013 suggested Mayor Herbert Napp before a residential development for the areas which are vacant by the demolition of greenhouses for urban gardening.
