Brazilian Teal

Amazon ducks behind ♂ ( Amazonetta brasiliensis)

The Amazon duck ( Amazonetta brasiliensis) is a species of bird which belongs to the family Anatidae ( Anatidae ).


Amazon ducks are up to 40 cm in size and 600 g in weight. Adult males have a red beak, the females have a white face markings and a gray beak.

Dissemination and lifestyle

Lakes, ponds and swamps in the tropical forest regions of South America east of the Andes. The Amazon duck applies in its wide distribution area as not threatened.

The Amazon ducks breed all year round. For this purpose, they build nests in riparian vegetation or floating nests are placed in the 8-12 eggs. In this way only the female incubates. However, the males participate in rearing the chicks are fully grown at one year. Their life expectancy in the wild ten years. The incubation period of the Amazon duck is 23-28 days. Their diet consists of aquatic plants.

Pictures of Brazilian Teal
