Brian Monteith

Brian Monteith ( born 1957 ) is a Scottish politician and former member of the Conservative Party.

Political career

Monteith attended the Parsons Green Primary School and Portobello Secondary School. He then studied at Heriot -Watt University in Edinburgh. Monteith was one of the fiercest opponents of the introduction of the Scottish Parliament and was instrumental in the relevant Think Twice campaign the Conservative Party before the national Scottish referendum on 11 September 1997. Despite his rejection Monteith occurred in the first elections to the Scottish Parliament in 1999 as a candidate for the constituency of Stirling. With 25.6%, however, he could by Annabelle Ewing from the SNP and the winner of the constituency, Sylvia Jackson of the Labour Party, which combine only the third highest share of the vote up. On the basis of the election results, however, succeeded Monteith about the Regional Evaluation of Mid Scotland and Fife Moving into the newly created parliament. In the 2003 parliamentary elections Monteith joined again for Stirling and was able to increase its share of the vote slightly, but still only reached the second highest number of votes after Sylvia Jackson. Again he drew for Mid Scotland and Fife in parliament.

Resignation from the Conservative Party

In the autumn of 2005 it was announced that Monteith advised media representatives to demand the resignation of the chairman of the Scottish Conservative Party, David McLetchie, who was advised due to the high billing invoices taxi criticism. As a result Monteith resigned from the Conservative Party, and remained until the end of its term as a non-party member of Parliament. Monteith went to any subsequent election to more.

Pictures of Brian Monteith
