Brilliant rasbora

Längsbandbärbling ( Rasbora einthovenii )

The Längsbandbärbling ( Rasbora einthovenii ) is a small carp fish that is found on the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Bangka Belitung and. The species was named after the Dutch physician J. Einthoven, who caught the type specimens.


The Längsbandbärbling reaches a body length of nine inches. His body lean and stretched. The basic color is yellowish brown to Pale Olive and shows a violet to bluish sheen. The belly is yellowish to silvery. A black to blackish greenish longitudinal ligament extends from the tip of the snout to the tail fin. It is bounded at top and bottom, each to a red gold line. The fins are transparent, the first rays of the Rüpckenflosse now and then dark. The side line is almost complete, only the last medium scale longitudinal row or a few before that have no pores. Females have a more bulbous belly line.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal: 2/ 7; Anal: 3/5-6; Pectoral: 1/12-14; Ventral: 2 / 7th
  • Dandruff formula: MLR 29-32, 12-13 scales btw head and dorsal fins approach.

The Längsbandbärbling lives in forest streams and feeds on worms, small crustaceans and insects.
