British Chess Problem Society

The British Chess Problem Society ( BCPS ) is a was founded in 1918 for chess problem. It is the world's oldest association of its kind since 1926, they are the magazine The Problemist and since 1992 its supplement The Problemist Supplement out.

The aim of the BCPS is the promotion of chess composition. It depends from the official British chess tournament solvents and selects the World Chess Solving Championship in the United Kingdom for An incoming team from.


The magazine The Problemist was founded in 1926 and is published bimonthly. Since 1992, exists to the primarily directed at beginners supplement The Problemist Supplement. Recurring categories, the publication of original tasks, position reconstruction tasks based solutions, selected problems, book presentations and Responses, price reports and reports of BCPS activities.


Currently (as of June 2010) is Christopher Cedric Lytton President of the BCPS. Previous presidents were, in alphabetical order Barry Peter Barnes, J. G. Grevatt, Christopher Jones, Tony R. Lewis, Michael Lipton, Robin Matthews, Jeremy Morse, Arthur Christopher Reeves, John Rice, Colin Albert Harry Russ, Donald A. Smedley Adam Sobey, Brian Stephenson, Colin Sydenham and Paul Valois.

Pictures of British Chess Problem Society
