is furnished with the EU as a result of legal proceedings Microsoft Web site, which should make it easier for users to select an alternative web browser. The market, which was distorted view of the EU by the market power of Microsoft Windows in favor of the so bundled Internet Explorer will be restored.

The site contains a total of eleven browsers to choose from, by the four common HTML rendering engines Trident, Gecko, WebKit and Presto are represented. Google Chrome and SRWare Iron use only its own JavaScript engine, rendering the other hand, is taken over by Webkit as well as in Safari. The arrangement of the browser on the page was initially planned alphabetically, by criticism a coincidence system with two groups will be used. The first group, which is displayed next to each other completely when calling the page, in random order, the five Google Chrome browser, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari. You scroll to the right appear the lesser known other six, also in random order.

It was originally planned to extradite a patch from the March 17, 2010 through Windows Update, it lets you download a browser of your choice in a dialog box and provides its setup as the default browser. Internet Explorer is only activated again in this case. The patch is since March 8, 2010 on computers where the regional setting is set to a country in the EU, EFTA and Croatia, which was not in the EU at this time, delivered. If Internet Explorer is the default browser, the selection window described is presented.

The browser included in the original version of Green Browser Sleipnir and were replaced by Lunascape and the Chromium -based browser SRWare Iron in August 2010. Mid- 2011, the Flock browser, because its development was discontinued, and SlimBrowser removed from the list. In return, Sleipnir was taken until February 2012 back to the selection. At the same time two spin-offs of Google Chrome called Comodo Dragon and RockMelt were added, increasing the number of lesser-known browser back to seven. In August 2012, accounted for Safari, since the new version 6 has not been released for Windows, but SlimBrowser was resumed in the selection.
