Brück (Amt)

The Office Brück is a 1992 formed Office in Brandenburg, where first six municipalities in the former county Belzig have (today district of Potsdam - means, Brandenburg ) together to form a management group. Five other communities were still assigned to the Office 1992. The fact that some churches alternated in the office grew on one side of the office area. On the other hand, decreased by municipal mergers and incorporations, the number of communities, so that the Office currently Brück turn has six official belonging to communities.

Geographical location

The Office Brück lies approximately in the center of the district of Potsdam- agent Mark Brandenburg ( Germany ). It is bordered to the west by the town of Bad Belzig and the Office Ziesar, in the north on the community Lehnin, on the east by the city Beelitz and on the south by the Office Niemegk and the official free city Treuenbrietzen.

Outline of the Office

The Office Brück

  • Borkheide
  • Borkwalde
  • City bridge with the districts Brück, Baitz and Neuendorf, as well as the parts of the municipality bridge expansion, Gömnigk, Trebitz and Rivervale
  • Golzow with the parts of the municipality or evergreen oak, Lucksfleiß, Müggenburg and hammer dam
  • Linthe with the districts of Alt Bork, Bork and German Linthe
  • Planebruch with the districts Cammer, Damelang - Freienthal and Oberjünne as well as the parts of the municipality Damelang and Freienthal


The Minister of the Interior of Brandenburg issued the formation of the Office Brück on 24 June 1992 its approval. As the time of conclusion of the Office June 30, 1992 has been set. The office was located in the town bridge and consisted initially of six communities in the then district Belzig:

For November 2, 1992 the Office bridging the communities Linthe, Borkheide, Borkwalde, German Bork Bork and old ( circle Belzig ) have been assigned. On 31 January 2002, the municipalities Baitz and Neuendorf were incorporated in bridge in the city bridge. The communities Cammer and Damelang - Freienthal joined together at the same time the new community Planebruch.

On 1 April 2002 the parish was divided Oberjünne (Official Lehnin ) in the community Planebruch the Office Brück. The community also joined Golzow 1 April 2002 by the Office Lehnin in the Office Brück. On 1 July 2002, Locktow merged with the municipalities Dahnsdorf, Kranepuhl and Mörz the Office Niemegk the new community Planetal and left office Brück from. Also on July 1, 2002, the municipalities Alt Bork, Bork and German Linthe merged to form the new municipality Linthe.


Forecasts of population change

Forecast age structure


Beetzsee | bridge | Niemegk | Wusterwitz | Ziesar

  • Office in Brandenburg
  • Landkreis Potsdam- agent Mark