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  • Asia (India )
  • Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi Yadagiri & Ayyasami 1989

Bruhathkayosaurus is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous of India. Maybe he was a Titanosaurier. However, there are doubts whether the meantime veschollenen by a flood finds actually belong to an animal; they could be just as petrified wood.

It just remains were found, so that no reliable conclusions can be drawn. The length of a full-blown copy is estimated at 40 meters, with a height of about 8-10 meters and a weight of 139 tons. With Diplodocus (30 - 35m long), Supersaurus (32- 34m long), Puertasaurus, Amphicoelias fragillimus and Argentinosaurus (35m long) would Bruhathkayosaurus therefore among the largest dinosaurs and land-living animals of the earth's history.

From Bruhathkayosaurus a forearm bones ( radius ), two pelvic bone ( ilium and ischium ), a part of the femur, tibia, and caudal vertebrae have been found. Initially held to the bones for remains of theropods ( bipedal predators ), but they are only because of the size likely to be a giant sauropods.
