
Brown cheese ( in Norwegian called " brunost " or " mysost " swedish " mesost ") is a primarily Norwegian, regionally -represented in the Swedish Jämtland whey cheese which is made ​​from cow, goat or sheep milk (or a mixture ).

The whey is boiled; the length of the cooking process is crucial for the sweetish caramel taste and the color can be light to dark brown. Both are caused by the fact that the lactose contained in the whey caramelized with vigorous stirring. At the end of the milk fat is added (cream, then norw Fløtemysost ). The result is a firm cheese that is cut with a cheese slicer. Usually it is eaten in thin slices planed on light bread with the sweet flavor blends particularly jam of red fruits.

The main varieties are in Norway Gudbrandsdalsost, ects Geitost and Fløtemysost. Following the same method of production of spreadable Prim, who is also called soft cheese is brown.

Brown cheese was mentioned already in the 17th century by Petter Dass in " The Norwegian Valley Way " ( in Norwegian called " Den Norske Dale Viise "). Today, about 12,000 tons of brown cheese are produced in Norway annually.

In Sweden, the product is " mesost " (such as whey cheese ), called the spreadable variant, often packed in tubes, called " messmör " (such as ' whey butter ').

In January 2013 came in Norway loaded with brunost truck in a tunnel fire. The fire fighting lasted four days because of the high fat content due to the high flammability of the loaded cheese.
