Bubble nest

As the bubble nest built by some species of fish, including labyrinth fish such as Siamese fighting fish, paradise fish, Dotted gouramis and various catfish, during the breeding season nest is called. It consists of coated with secretion air bubbles and thus has the appearance of foam.

The bubble nest is mainly built by the males and anchored by most species between a dense floating vegetation. A few species such as the Emerald fighting fish build their bubble nest in caves or small shelters. In this nest, the fertilized eggs are collected, rising by their fat content to the top. The nests are guarded by the free-swimming the boys.

Foam nests are created by other animals, such as insects ( see cuckoo spit) and amphibians (see Wallace - flight frog).

  • Reproduction
  • Ichthyology
  • Propagation ( aquarium)