
51.89194444444412.75472222222294Koordinaten: 51 ° 53 ' 31 " N, 12 ° 45' 17 " O

Location of Bülzig in Tusker Magpie

Bülzig is a district of the city Tusker Magpie. Until June 30, 2008 Bülzig was a municipality in Wittenberg district in Saxony -Anhalt ( Germany ). She was a member of the administrative community Elbaue -flaming.


Bülzig is located about seven kilometers northeast of Wittenberg. To Bülzig part of the district Wolter village.


Bülzig 1637 was affected by witch hunts. Agnisa, wife of the farmer Peter Lorentz, was caught in a witch trial, and was burned in 1637.


The municipality was incorporated on 1 July 2008 in the city of Tusker.


The last mayor was Hans- Helmar Mordelt.


For the Federal Highway 2 that connects Berlin and Wittenberg, there are in the west 6 km. The Bülzig railway station is on the railway line Berlin - Wittenberg - Halle ( Saale) / Leipzig ( Anhalt line ) and is served by regional trains runs regularly between the DB Regio.


  • Agnisa, wife of the farmer Peter Lorentz ( -1637 ), was executed in a witch trial.
  • Reiner Haseloff (born 1954 ), Minister-President of Saxony- Anhalt
  • Frank Wartenberg ( b. 1955 ), Athlete