
The Bund Youth is the youth organization of the Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany ( BUND). As an environmental youth organization, the Bund Youth sets for the protection of nature and environment and the promotion of child and youth work a. It was founded in 1984 and currently has about 43,000 members under 27 years old. There are 14 state associations, including Bavaria, the JBN ( youth organization Bund nature protection) and in Lower Saxony, a merger with other youth environmental organizations called JANUN.


The topics range from practical conservation work on political environment up to the international network of young environmentalists. BUNDjugend is currently focused on the issues of anti-nuclear, renewable energy, climate change, ecological lifestyle (Ecological Footprint ) and sustainable consumption / consumer criticism.

Activities and Projects

The BUNDjugend Federal Association targets each year from changing projects on current issues of nature and environmental protection, which are aimed at children, teenagers and young adults. So currently, for example, inform the world aware- city tours in over 25 cities interested in the consequences of everyday consumption habits. The Nature Diary Competition, however, animated children aged 8 to 12 years annually to practical experiences of nature.

Major projects already completed include the press effective trip by ship from the air pirates on the climate conference in Copenhagen in December 2009 or the bet in 1999, said of the federal government 's climate protection target achieved in the youth from all over Germany within a few months.

In addition to these projects BUNDjugend is present regularly at various demonstrations and large events and participates every two years to the organization of the Congress McPlanet.

In the regional associations, the focus is mainly in the supply of various children's and youth activities, camps and seminars. Furthermore, there is at the local level, various children 's and youth groups.

The demonstration We have had enough! funded jointly by the federal youth and other organizations. The event takes place every year in early January in Berlin.


Regular publications include the print magazine Kriz of the National Association of Baden- Württemberg and the young page in the appearing four times a year Bund magazine. The Federation published at irregular intervals also information materials and other publications, such as the book published in book trade climate cookbook.

Association structure

The Federation has its headquarters in Berlin, he is led by the voluntary National Youth line ( BuJuLei ). The National Youth representatives are elected for two years at the Federal Assembly of Delegates. This takes place every year in the spring, delegates are five members per state association. The national associations have a similar structure with local youth lines ( LaJuLei ).

BUNDjugend sent to federal and state level representative as a full member in the board of the BUND. In addition to close cooperation with the BUND BUNDjugend is also involved in the international network of Young Friends of the Earth. In addition, the BUNDjugend is a member of the anti-globalization network Attac and founded together with other organizations, the Youth Alliance for Future Energy.
