Bureau of Industry and Security

The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS, such as Office for Industry and Security ) is a partial authority of the Ministry of Commerce of the United States, which is involved in high technology and national security.

The main task of the BIS is to ensure the national security of the United States on various levels. For this purpose, it controls inter alia, the export of sensitive goods such as weapons of mass destruction and dual-use goods. In addition, the BIS is responsible for the implementation of the Export Administration Regulations ( EAR), which regulate the export and re-export of most commercial products.

In addition, the BIS is responsible for ensuring compliance with international agreements, such as the Wassenaar Arrangement. Furthermore, the BIS advises U.S. companies comply with international trade agreements.

The BIS also has offices outside the United States. These overseas offices are set up in China, India, Russia and the United Arab Emirates.

Head of agency is an Under Secretary of State ( Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security ); is currently headed by Eric L. Hirschhorn. Seat of the Authority 's Washington, D.C.
