Burns' Day storm

Daria was the first hurricane in a series of severe storms in 1990. He was looking at the 25-26. January 1990 mainly northern and central Europe, leaving at least 94 deaths and severe damage. He should still others follow, inter alia, Vivian and Wiebke.


Daria falls within the context of the extremely mild winter 1989/90, one of the mildest winters of the 20th century. On December 16, 1989, for example, 21.7 degrees measured.


On January 25, the intense low formed over Scotland. There, the extremely low air pressure below 950 hPa was measured. In the Federal Republic of Germany, the gale-force winds reached locally at speeds up to 172 km / h over a large area 120 130 km / h was reached.

Loss figures

The hurricane called probably at least 94 deaths in the UK, Belgium, France and the Netherlands, 8 in Germany

Daria was longer than the intense low that the highest - has done damage - insured and uninsured. The Munich Reinsurance Company speaks of an insured loss of about 4.4 billion euros converted to Swiss Re in excess of $ 6 billion.

Aon Benfield In his report " Winter storms in Europe - History 1703-2012 " by an insured loss in Germany of 1.5 billion euros.

With the storms Lothar in 1999 and 2007 Cyril Daria among the leaders in the natural disasters of the last 50 years that have caused the most damage, and is second only to storms from Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the Typhoon Mireille in 1991 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
