Butler (Missouri)

Bates County


Butler is since 1856 the seat of the 1841 created by merging parts of two counties in western Bates County Missouri. A quarter of the population of the county live in Butler.

The community is located about 104 km south of Kansas City and is part of the metropolitan area of ​​Kansas City. In the north of the village lies the Butler Memorial Airport, to the west, U.S. Route 71, south of the Missouri Route 52

As a landmark, the Bates County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


  • Robert A. Heinlein (* 1907 in Butler, † 1988 in Carmel ), science fiction author
  • Charles O'Rear ( b. 1941 ), photographer (Windows XP background)
  • Location in Missouri
  • Location in North America
  • Bates County

Pictures of Butler (Missouri)
