Ca' Foscari University of Venice

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The University of Venice (Italian: Università Ca ' Foscari di Venezia, Latin: Universitas Venetiarum in Domo Foscari ) is a university founded in the 19th century in the lagoon city of Venice.

Founding date of the university is August 6, 1868: Since the end of Austrian rule in 1866, Venice was ceded to Italy for two years. Initially, the college was, however, still limited to the field of economics ( it was known as the Scuola Superiore di Commercio ), but was in this field, the first higher education institution in Italy. 1939 training courses then were added in foreign languages ​​, organized in 1954 as its own faculty. The status of a full university was acquired in 1968. 1969 came with Literature / Philosophy and industrial chemistry faculties added two more; latter was renamed in 1990 in the Faculty of mathematical, physical and natural sciences. Today's four faculties offer 11 different degrees.

The name of the university comes from the building in which it is housed, the Ca ' Foscari, one situated on the Grand Canal, and in 1845 acquired by the City Council noble palace of the Foscari family. Now, however, more are on the territory of the city buildings distributed to university. The University Library contains 50,000 volumes.

In addition to the Ca' - Foscari University still exist an International University and the University of Architecture IUAV ( Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia) in the city.


And today ...

La Regata Vista because Ca ' Foscari ( Regatta seen from the house of Foscari )
