Caca (mythology)

Caca was in Roman mythology the sister of Cacus.

She was ordained a Sacellum in Rome, a umzogener with a wall sacred place where one reading at Servius by a perpetual fire burned, another reading after Vestals did their service. It has been seen in Caca and Cacus a pair of gods, with Caca was a goddess of the domestic hearth, which was later supplanted by Vesta.

When Servius and Lactantius then also it is said that Caca was therefore worshiped because they have betrayed her brother, a predatory monster of Hercules. This version is rejected by Georg Wissowa as subsequent etiological education because they do not fit to the other forms of the Indo-European mythologies in Cacussage. There Cacus is betrayed by the lowing of the oxen of Geryon and Hercules does not provide further guidance to find their predators.
