Cain and Abel (software)

Cain & Abel is according to the developer team Massimiliano Montoro a password recovery tool for Microsoft Windows, but is more of a multi-function tool.

It allows easy reading of all passwords that have been stored in the browser, as well as the cracking encrypted passwords ( hashes ) with the help of dictionaries, brute force and rainbow tables, and recording passwords and VoIP conversations in the network via ARP spoofing. Thereby, it is also able to perform a man-in - the-middle attacks on a series of SSL-based services, and RDP.

Read General Information of Windows systems and analyzing routing processes is also possible.

Abel, the supplied client program that can be installed remotely via the Windows network and reads the TCP / UDP tables, the LSA Secrets and the hash values ​​of the users accounts. It gives the Cain - users also remote console access. Abel hides not from users of the system.

Cain & Abel uses the Winpcap driver that AirPcap adapter is supported since version 4.0. With the latter, the passive monitoring of data traffic in wireless networks, as well as attacks on WEP is possible. Since version 4.9.1 it is also possible to carry out attacks against secured with WPA - Handshake and WPA-PSK wireless network.

The recorded of Cain password hashes can also be passed to other programs like John the Ripper or Distributed Password Recovery. Cain himself can read records of network traffic in the data format of libpcap / WinPcap and then automatically extracts passwords and their hashes.

The peculiarity of Cain is the summary of numerous functions under a single interface, there is no other tool of its kind

Terms of Use

Since Cain & Abel bypasses security precautions, it must after entry into force of the so-called hacker paragraphs (§ 202c ) in Germany to be construed as a computer program for spying on data. Thus, the illegal use of the software can be criminalized.

Related Links

  • Official website:
  • IT security
  • Freeware
  • Hacker ( computer security )
  • Spy software