California myotis

Californian mouse-eared bat (Myotis californicus )

The California mouse-eared bat (Myotis californicus ) is a species of bat in the family of Myotis bats ( Vespertilionidae ), which is native to North America.


The California mouse ear is a small bat with a total length of 74-95 mm, a forearm length of 32-35 mm and a weight of 3.3 to 5.4 g, the wingspan is on average 242 mm. It has relatively slender, small feet, which are less than half as long as the tibia. The Kalkar is curved thin and strong. The California mouse ear differs from the sympatric Myotis ciliolabrum by a rounder skull and a narrower snout, and by the pattern of hair that cover the muzzle. Seen from above, the naked part of the snout of the California mouse ear is only as long as the diameter of the nostrils, in contrast to M. ciliolabrum where the hairless part 1.5 times as long. From Myotis findleyi the California mouse ear differs by the black mask, ears and mouth and the reddish color of the coat. The California mouse ear has shorter legs than the Yuma bat ( Myotis yumanensis ) and a hairless tail wing membrane.

Way of life

The California mouse-eared bats, like most nocturnal and feeds on insects, where moths and Diptera are preferred. Further facilities include beetles, and caddisflies Schnabelkerfen to the prey. While the California mouse ear usually hunts over or near waters, to M. searches ciliolabrum their prey usually near rocks, so that the two species in areas where they occur together do not compete for food. During the day the California mouse ear hangs alone or in small groups in rock crevices, under bark or in buildings. During the cold season, the animals hibernate. Females of the California mouse ear utter a single young is born per year and litter. Probably bats of this type may be over 15 years old.

Distribution and habitat

The California mouse ear is west of the Rocky Mountains from Canada to Mexico before. Your stock is classified by the IUCN due to the widespread use be stable and the species as safely.
