Campanula persicifolia

Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia )

The bellflower (Campanula persicifolia ) belongs to the genus of bluebells.


The perennial herbaceous plant is 30 to 80 cm high. The plant is ( almost) bare. The leaves are coarse, usually upside - ovate-lanceolate, narrowed dark green on top, basal leaves and lower stem leaves in the deciduous leaf stem. The middle and upper stem leaves are linear - lanceolate to linear and sitting.

The inflorescence is a raceme. The grape is usually three to achtblütig (rarely the inflorescence is branched and up to 15 - flowered ). The crown is 2.5 to 5 cm long, broadly campanulate and (purple) blue or white. The sepals are narrow - triangular, and at the base about 2 to 3 mm wide.


The species is warmth. Bloom time is from June to August.

The ripe fruit capsules stand upright and are equipped with pores. They spread their seed as animal shakers, because the persistent, sepals projecting " crochet ".


Fresh to dry deciduous forests, forest edges, wild valleys, fresh meadows, nutrient-poor grasslands, collin up under montane. In Austria until frequently scattered in all provinces; variable - in Carinthia sometimes densely whitish pubescent (. C. p var eriocarpa ). In Germany it is scattered in front, in the northwest it is missing altogether.


The type is available as an ornamental plant in the garden trade in different flower colors. It is a spreading joyful wild garden plant, the wild and from the culture.
