Campo San Polo

The Campo San Polo is the second largest square in Venice. As the largest Piazza San Marco, he is also the biggest Campo in the city. It is located in the eponymous city sixth ( Sestriere ).


To the southeast is the namesake church of San Polo, which borders with her Choir at the square. It was consecrated in the 9th century, remodeled in the 14th and 15th century gothic.

At Campo are beyond several palaces, such as the Gothic Palazzo Soranzo double (San Polo 2169-71 ) from the 14th/15th. Century on the north side of the square, where the left side is the older. In addition to the Palazzo Balbi (San Polo 2172 ), Palazzo Dona ( 2177 ), Palazzo Maffetti, today Tiepolo, and the country access to the Palazzo Corner Mocenigo ( 2128 ). At the Palazzo Corner Mocenigo is a work of Michele Sammicheli. However, it focuses its main facade of the canal, so the Rio San Polo, not on the Campo. On the square, only two three-arched loggia in the piani nobili. The Garzoni Palace on the west side has been replaced by an apartment building in the 19th century.

1840, the neo-classical building of the printing Tipografia Tasso was built (San Polo 2156 ) on the north side of the Campo.


While the court in the middle ages was still used as pasture and gardens, and its east side served as a north-south connection for pedestrians, he was completely paved in 1493. For this he received one of the many fountains in the city. From 1497 masked balls were listed. He turned into a place for public ceremonies and fairs. Wednesday was also a weekly market. The government kept trying to stop gambling. A panel of 1611, which was attached to the the square facing the apse of the church of San Polo, threatening tough sanctions.

Here Lorenzino de ' Medici was murdered along with his uncle, Alessandro Soderini front of the house of his mistress Elena Barozzi On February 26, 1548. Lorenzino had 1537 Duke Alessandro de ' Medici murdered and fled to Venice, thence to Constantinople Opel and Paris, and then return to Venice. Duke Cosimo I de ' Medici made ​​sure that Francesco Bibboni and Bebo da Volterra next Lorenzino a room rented to murder Lorenzino.

1783 Built around 120 young nobles a sort of amphitheater to distribute bread and other foods in the carnival after the model of the Veronese Giovedì Gnoccolaro.

1809 Saturday market was moved from Piazza San Marco to Campo San Polo.

The narrow channel in front of the Palazzo Soranzo was filled in the 19th century, but leaves the paving still recognize its course.
