Campos do Jordão

Campos do Jordão is a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil, with 46 332 inhabitants ( IBGE 1 July 2008), approximately 170 km northeast of the city of São Paulo, 1,628 meters above sea level in the mountains of the Serra da Mantiqueira located. It is the highest municipality of Brazil. She is particularly fond of the Brazilian winter attended by Brazilian tourists and weekend visitors from São Paulo who want to experience during the cold season " European feelings." Then the villas, apartment buildings and hotels fill. This part of Campos do Jordão is almost deserted on weekdays outside of holiday periods.

The village lies in a valley with some built in Swiss style half-timbered houses. The main attraction, apart from the town itself, is the 1,950 -meter-high Pedra do Baú ( chest rocks ), a granite block with a height of 330 meters, which rises out of the landscape visible from afar. He is on the road to São Bento do Sapucaí.

The urban part of Campos do Jordão runs at about 5 kilometers in a valley along: the trade center Abernéssia ( a combination of words on Aberdeen and Inverness back ), Jaguaribe with the bus station and the tourist Capivari, where most restaurants, hotels and boutiques lie. Except by city buses the districts are connected by a small tram. On the same track, the track runs mostly used by visitors to Santo Antônio do Pinhal.

In the higher altitudes there are many Araucaria, which still dominate the native vegetation. The eastern part of the Parque Estadual Munizips is de Campos do Jordão ( Horto Florestal also called ) was ingested. He can be reached by bus and offers good infrastructure approximately 20 km of hiking trails. A view of the city you get from the Morro do Elefante ( Elephant Hill). Distance vision in the Paraíbatal you from Pico de Itapeva 15 km away.

Pictures of Campos do Jordão
