
Canaanland is the name of the site of Winners' Chapel ( Living Faith Church ), an evangelical megachurch in Ota, Ogun State in Nigeria.

The approximately 228 -acre when it opened in 1999 site has now been extended to over 2000 ha. Then there are the headquarters of Winners' Chapel, the church building itself, called Faith Tabernacle, a university, the Covenant University, an academy, a school that Faith Academy Secondary School and a primary school. Several businesses which are run by the Church are also located on the premises, including a publishing house, a beverage bottling, bakery, restaurants and department stores, four banks and several residential complexes for 2000 employees of the church, as well as 9000 students. The Faith Tabernacle, with a capacity of 50,000 seats was built within ten months of 1999 and is among the ten largest church buildings in the world.

To transport the countless visitors who come for Sunday worship services, 350 shuttle buses are used. Is held annually in the second week of December instead of an event, the Shiloh is called and the arrive up to one million participants from Nigeria and around the world. The founder of the Winners' Chapel, David Oyedepo, this gathering claims to divine behest convene.

Pictures of Canaanland
