Cancellation property

Kürzbarkeit is a property of the elements of an algebraic structure.

  • 2.1 Definition
  • 2.2 Examples

Shortenable / regular items

Given a groupoid / Magma.


An element is called linkskürzbar or left regular if applies to all:

And rechtskürzbar or right- regular if for all cases:

Ie two length can be shortened or two sides regularly or just shortened or regular if c is left and rechtskürzbar.


* Is commutative, however, all three types of Kürzbarkeit are the same are generally not.


  • In a ring is an element if and only be shortened if it is a non- zero divisor.

Shortenable / regular semigroups


A semigroup is called shortened or regular if each one is shortened.


  • The set of natural numbers with the usual addition and with the usual multiplication is a semigroup can be shortened.
  • The set of natural numbers with the maximum or the minimum is not reducible semigroup.
  • Algebra