
The Canovasee (Romansh in the idiom Sutsilvan Leg as Canova, as well as on the national map ) is between Paspels and Almens in Domleschg in the Swiss canton of Grisons altitude of 777 meters. It is accessible from the parking lot at Oberstufenschulhaus Paspels in a few minutes on foot,


The lake is located southeast of the village Paspels in a depression and is fed with no visible inflow. Outflow is underground through a tube to a small stream to the west of the lake.


The Canovasee as the nearby Castle New Süns owned by the family of Planta, which also leads to the farm of the estate Canova. The lake has pike, carp, perch and eels; for trout, the lake is not suitable because of standing water. The fishing is prohibited.

The water depth increases due to the falling plant remains steadily. Today, it still amounts to around 10 meters, therefore, the water warms in summer up to 24 ° C.

On the eastern shore, a fire pit is set up. Swimming in the lake is chargeable.


  • 2004, the short film " First Love, Last Rites " was filmed on a story by Ian McEwan on Canovasee. Directed by Susanne Kaelin. The film was released in December 2005
  • 1998 listed the piece Katharina Knie of Zuckmayer the lake as open-air performance.
  • Earlier hemp was watered to loosen the fibers from the plant to the lake. Were produced especially cords and ropes.



Picnic area and fire pit on the east bank

The hut, location of the film
