Cantata (film)

  • Zoltán Latinovits: Ambrus Jámbor
  • Andor Ajtay: Professor Ádámfy
  • Béla Barsi: Ambrus ' father

Cantata profana ( Oldás és kötés ) is the second feature film by the Hungarian filmmaker Miklós Jancsó and was built in 1963 on a short story by József Lengyel. The common international title of the film refers to the musical work Cantata profana - The Magic Deer ( 1930) by Hungarian composer Béla Bartók, while the original title Oldás és kötés " resolution and binding " literally means.


Ambrus is a younger surgeon in a Budapest hospital, who felt dissatisfaction with his life. He wanders through bars and cellars where his cronies listen to music or show film art. From the big city, he returns to his place of origin, to the court of his afflicted father. In nature and landscape he finds a void in which he can think. He recognized the importance of family and friends and meets his former teacher, Professor Ádámfy. When he moves back to Budapest, he hears on the car radio Bartók read a folk tale.


In a show of the Hungarian film history Burns said (1996 ), despite bumps and strong reference to Antonioni was Cantata profana a success unusual Art The film confirm anything, but he was trying to challenge and provoke in a broader context rather than in an individual, self-centered.
