Cantharis obscura

Dark Flying beetle ( Cantharis obscura )

The Dark Flying beetles or oak soft beetle ( Cantharis obscura ) is a beetle of the family of soldier beetles ( Cantharidae ).

  • 4.1 Literature


The beetles reach a body length of 9 to 13 millimeters. They have a black body coloration, only the sides of the pronotum, the Maxillarpalpen, the cheeks and the bottom of the first and second sensor element are yellow to yellow-orange. The entire body top is close fitting, fine light hair. The pronotum is slightly wider than long and distinctly rounded on the sides. The second and third antennal segment of the male is in contrast to the similar nature Cantharis liburnica not thickened. Of this kind, and also of the Dark Flying beetle Cantharis paradoxa can be unequivocally distinguished only on the basis of a genital examination.

Similar Species

  • Cantharis paradoxa
  • Cantharis liburnica


The animals arrive in Europe and in the west of Asia, also north of the Arctic circle in front. In the British Isles, the species is only partially observed. They are found from the lowlands to timberline.

Way of life

The adults feed on both prey on insects, such as aphids, as well as from plant foods such as flowers of fruit trees. The females lay their eggs in moist soil. From these first pre-larvae hatch, the molt until after about 12 days to larva. These are predators of small insects and other living things. Pupation takes place in a doll's cradle.


Pictures of Cantharis obscura
