Canton of Approuague-Kaw

The Canton Approuague - Kaw is a French administrative unit in French Guiana and in the arrondissement of Cayenne. The canton is congruent with the community and has Régina (2007) 826 inhabitants.

Approuague - Kaw | cayenne 1 Nord -Ouest | cayenne 2 Nord-Est | cayenne 3 Sud -Ouest | cayenne 4 Centre | Cayenne - Sud 5 | 6 Cayenne - Sud -Est | Iracoubo | Kourou | Macouria | Mana | Maripasoula | Matoury | Montsinéry - Tonnegrande | Remire -Montjoly | Roura | Saint -Georges- Oyapoc | Saint- Laurent- du- Maroni | Sinnamary

  • Canton in French Guiana