Canton of L'Aigle-Est

The Canton of L' Aigle- Est is a French administrative unit in the arrondissement of Mortagne -au -Perche, in the Orne and the Lower Normandy region; its chief town is L' Aigle, Representative to the General Council of the department since 2008, Jean Sellier.


The canton consists of eight municipalities and one part of L' Aigle ( shown here is the total population of the city, in the canton live about 3,000 inhabitants):

L' Aigle- Est | L' Aigle- Ouest | Alençon -1 | Alencon 2 | 3 Alençon | Argentan -Est | Argentan -Ouest | Athis -de l'Orne | Bazoches- sur- Hoëne | Bellême | Briouze | carrouges | Courtomer | Domfront | Écouché | Exmes | La Ferté- Frênel | La Ferte-Mace | Flers- Nord | Flers- Sud | Gacé | Juvigny -sous -Andaine | Longny -au -Perche | Le Mêle -sur -Sarthe | Le Merlerault | Messei | Mortagne -au -Perche | Mortrée | Moulins- la -Marche | Nocé | Passais | Pervenchères | Putanges -Pont- Écrepin | Rémalard | Sées | Le Theil | Tinchebray | Tourouvre | Trun | Vimoutiers

  • Canton in Orne