Cape Sugarbird

Kaphonigfresser ( Promerops cafer )

The Kaphonigfresser ( Promerops cafer ) is a South African songbird of the family of Proteavögel.


The 22-45 cm long Kaphonigfresser is a slender bird with long beak, a long tail, which is the male considerably longer than in females, accounts for two -thirds of the total length and 23 cm due to the difference in length. The plumage is colored brown on the back, the belly is white with brown spots, the yellow rump.


The bird inhabits endemic fynbos in the Cape Province in South Africa.


The Kaphonigfresser invertebrates captured in flight or picked them from leaves. But mostly they feed on nectar, which he with his long beak and tongue with a brush-like tip of calyx, especially the sugar bushes ( Protea ), collects. Because of the strong winds prevailing in the region of the bird has strong claws to hold on to the flowers.


In the mating season from March to August Proteas serve the males also as a vantage point from which it sings and rivals his presence display in the breeding grounds. In addition, the plants provide the necessary nesting material. The Kaphonigfresser builds at low altitude in bushes a bowl-shaped nest of twigs and other plant parts. During courtship ritual the male flutters with high erected dick around, claps his wings and are metallic sounding noises.
