Carlos Reyles

Carlos Reyles on the map of Uruguay

Carlos Reyles is a village in the center of Uruguay.


It is located on the territory of the department of Durazno in whose sector 12 you lies approximately half-way between the southern department of Durazno and Centenario capital in the north. With these cities it is connected by the leading through the village of Ruta 5. The area south of Carlos Reyles is called Cuchilla del Rincón, while the northwest Cuchilla Quinteros is. In the local area of ​​Arroyo de los Molles spring and the Arroyo de Caballero.


On August 16, 1939, awarded Carlos Reyles by Act No. 9860 of the status of " Pueblo ".


The place had women in the census in 2011 976 inhabitants, of which 486 male and 490.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
