Carlsbad Decrees

The Carlsbad Decrees were the result of the Carlsbad ministerial conferences from 6 to August 31, 1819, at which the most influential states took part in the German Confederation. The conference deliberated on measures to monitor and combat liberal and nationalist tendencies in the post-Napoleonic Germany. Karlovy Vary (Czech: Karlovy Vary ) was part of the Habsburg Empire and was well suited as a health resort, represent the secret meetings rather than incidental private gathering of diplomats, ministers, and so to hide from the public eye. The decisions developed under the auspices of the Austrian Foreign Minister and later State Chancellor Metternich.

The reason for the Carlsbad Decrees was the then prevalent at various German courts Revolution fear. Trigger and justification for the Carlsbad Decrees was the murder of the writer and Russian Consul General August von Kotzebue on March 23, 1819 by Karl Ludwig Sand, a theology student and Erlangen / Jena fraternity. The immediate cause, however, were the Hep - Hep riots of August 2, 1819 in which it first came to national anti-Semitic violence since the Middle Ages.


The Carlsbad Decrees were " highly dubious fast-tracked " unanimously confirmed on September 20, 1819 by the Bundestag in Frankfurt in an after Thomas Nipperdey, although they intervened deeply in the rights of the individual states of the German Confederation. With four laws, the execution order, the University Act, the law on the press ( press law ) and the law on the inspection, they caused the prohibition of public written expression and Fraternities, monitoring the universities, the closure of the turn places (Turn Lock 1820-1842 ), censorship the press and dismissal and occupational ban on liberal and nationally minded professors who shared their attitude to their students.

In particular, the press law encrypt or hindered the dissemination of concepts, ideas and thoughts at the time were seditious, from today's perspective but rated as progressive. The central regulation stipulated that all publications under 20 arc, that is 320 pages of censorship documents, extensive writings had to undergo a subsequent censorship.


Since there was no federal law obligation to member state publication of the text of the law, it was not published in some member states and entered formally in these not in force, which was many legal problems eg in Kiel source.

The Carlsbad Decrees intervened not only in the rights of the member states, but also in the independent Academic jurisdiction ( with universitätsinternem court, counsel, secretary and bailiff as well as responsibility for parlors and city arrest and criminal cases ), which had partially existed for centuries. One important instrument for the implementation of the Carlsbad Decrees for these and other areas was the Mainz Central Commission of Inquiry.

An essential quality of the decisions is that the reactionary German Bund conceptual liberal and national ideas as sedition and pursued the support of these ideas as demagogues. This Demagogenverfolgung took place in Prussia especially intense. Affected by persecution and imprisonment were, for example, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Karl Marx, Heinrich Hoffmann von Faller life, Hans Ferdinand Massmann, Franz Lieber, Christian Sartorius, Georg Büchner, Fritz Reuter, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, Karl Theodor Welcker and Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker, but also in the then Danish Schleswig -Holstein Uwe Jens Lornsen living. ETA Hoffmann, who until 1821 sat 1819 as Kammergerichtsrat even in the Prussian Immediate Commission for the investigation of treasonable compounds and other dangerous machinations, has shown the approach taken by the authorities in his story Master Flea satirical. He got even by difficulties with censorship and the disciplinary authority.

In the aftermath of the Hambach Festival Demagogenverfolgung 1832 again renewed. Only after the March Revolution of 1848, the Carlsbad Decrees by the German Bundestag were abolished on April 2, 1848.

Among the so-called demagogues pursuers were Carl August Ritter von Abel, Heinrich von Prieser and Carl Ernst von Preuschen.
