Caroní River

The Río Caroní in Ciudad Guayana

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The Río Caroní is a right tributary of the Orinoco River in Venezuela. It has a total length of 640 km and a catchment area of 95 000 sq. km. The average discharge is 5,000 m³ / s

The English sailor Walter Raleigh reached in May 1595 in search of the fabled El Dorado the inflow of the Río Caroní, and was impressed by the beauty and fertility of the landscape thrilled as can be read in his personal records.

In the Guri Dam, the river is dammed to one of the largest reservoirs in the earth. Just below the stands at a second damming the Caruachi hydroelectric power station and just before it flows into the Orinoco Macagua the dam.
