Carquinez Strait

38.043055555556 - 122.12972222222Koordinaten: 38 ° 2 ' 35 " N, 122 ° 7' 47 " W

The Carquinez Strait is a strait in northern California, through which the largest catchment area of California is derived through the Golden Gate into the Pacific.

The two largest rivers in California - the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River - meet in the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta and flow later in the Suisun Bay to the Carquinez Strait. From here, the total current flowing across the bay of San Pablo and San Francisco through the Golden Gate into the Pacific Ocean.

The Carquinez Strait is crossed to the east of the Benicia -Martinez Bridge and west of the Carquinez Bridge.

The first major overhead line crossing in the world was performed in 1901 on the Corquinez Street, the overhead line crossing the Carquinez Strait.

Pictures of Carquinez Strait
