Carte Vitale

The Carte Vitale is the health insurance card of the statutory health insurance in France that is solely supported by social insurance. It was introduced in 1998 to allow electronic offsetting the cost of the basic services. The presentation of an insurance confirmation of a primary fund ( Caisse primaire d' assurance maladie ) replaces the use of the card.

Since 2007, the second generation, the " Carte Vitale 2 " output, which also features an electronic health card next to an image of the beneficiary. In contrast, the Carte Vitale 1 a family ticket, were listed on the all entitled to the family - the map confirmed that they are subject to French social security. The Carte Vitale, is issued to all social insurance French citizens and French-based social insurance foreigners. Both groups can demonstrate their insurance with the European Health Insurance Card abroad.

  • Of Health Insurance