Castello Ursino

The Castello Ursino is a castle in Catania, founded by Emperor Frederick II in the 13th century. Since 1255 quellenkundlich the name castrum ursinum seized (" bear castle ", ursus = bear).


The Ursino Castle da Lentini built by order of Emperor Frederick II 1239-1250 by Riccardo on the foundations of a Norman fortification of the port of Catania. The similarity in layout of the castle in Catania with the other fortresses Frederick of Sicily as the castle Maniace in Syracuse and the castle in Augusta is obvious.


The Castello Ursino has a square ground plan, in which four wings grouped around a courtyard. The three rooms per wing and the four Ecksäle were of large cross-ribbed vaults on the Cistercian origins ( monastery Clairvaux ) recyclable " box ribs " closed at the top (only partially preserved). Four large circular corner towers and originally as four half- round towers in the middle of each lateral outer wall (only two receive ) contribute to the massive external impression. The two upper floors today probably came originally a third that - was removed at the time of the Spanish domination in order to provide attacks by cannons less attack surface - as suggested by the findings in other Frederick's castles. With three upper floors, the castle had thus originally a much steeper proportioning, which came close to the French models ( donjon ), as they were built II August under the contemporaries of Frederick II, the French King Philip. The same applies to the Castello Maniace in Syracuse and the Castello di Augusta in Augusta, but ultimately for Castel del Monte, the main work of Frederick's architecture.

The Sicilian Vespers

The fort played an important role in the Sicilian Vespers, when the castle was the seat of the Sicilian Parliament. 1295 gathered this Parliament to relieve James II to the Office and to appoint Frederick II as king.

The decline

After the 16th century with the introduction of Zündpulvers the castle 's military role was freed up and used as a prison. The eruption of Mount Etna of 1669 destroyed the city, but not the castle. The lava flowed around the fort.


Acquired in 1932 by the city of Catania, the castle was restored and in 1934 passed as a museum to the public transport.

The Museo Civico ( City Museum )

The museum has a rich collection of works of art from antiquity to the present. In the large ground-floor rooms, the outstanding collection of antique sculptures and bronzes is shown.
