Catherine Kousmine

Catherine Kousmine (* 1904 in Hvalynsky in Russia; † 24 August 1992 Lutry) was a Swiss physician of Russian origin. She was a representative of orthomolecular medicine and developed a cancer diet. Her particular research interest was cancer, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Life and work

The Kousmine family emigrated in 1918 during the Russian Revolution in Switzerland. Catherine Kousmine attended high school in Lausanne and studied medicine after graduation and earned 1928 academic degree. She specialized in pediatrics and worked in Zurich in the pediatric clinic of Guido Fanconi. She then continued her education in Vienna. Upon her return to Switzerland but Kousmine worked as a nurse practitioner, as the Austrian Pediatric diploma was not recognized in Switzerland.

After the cancer death of two of their patients were dedicated to cancer research. She sat in her kitchen a laboratory one in which they conducted animal experiments with mice. They came to the conclusion that the food has an effect on tumors and it is possible to heal with the help of diet cancer. In 1949, they published the successful treatment of a deemed incurable cancer patients with their dietary requirements. She was convinced that the cream Budwig, part of the oil-protein diet by Johanna Budwig, plays an important role in fighting cancer.

1989 Catherine Kousmine became an honorary citizen of Lutry.

Kousmine Diet

The so-called Kousmine diet is controversial as a means to combat cancer and is recommended only alternative doctors. The diet is based next to the dietary rules on intestinal hygiene, the acid - base balance, the dietary supplements by high-dose vitamins and trace elements, as well as psychosocial support. This diet is not only able to cure cancer, but among other things, and chronic bronchitis, allergies, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

The main diet principles include abstinence from meat, meat products and white sugar, the consumption of unprocessed cereals and of large quantities of fruit and vegetables and generally alkaline foods. As a means of " gut health " regular enemas and laxatives are propagated. Kousmine assumed that many diseases are due to a too high acidity in the body due to poor diet. Patients should regularly determine the pH of the urine and take basic dietary supplement drops below a specified value.


  • The scientific medicine assumes that a healthy body can excrete excess acids easily and it can not therefore be a persistent acidosis (acidosis ) can occur.
  • The pH of urine indicates only that actually acids are excreted by the kidneys. It varies throughout the day. He is not an indicator of acidification of the body; this can only be determined by a blood test.
  • There are no independent studies that show any effect of this diet on a disease.
  • The Multiple sclerose international federation declared: "There is no scientific justification that a particular diet method is effective in the treatment of MS ."


  • Soyez bien dans votre assiette jusqu'à 80 ans et plus, 1980
  • La sclérose en plaques est guérissable, 1983
  • Sauvez votre corps, 1987
  • Health on the plate, 1984, ISBN 2 - 603-00543 -X
  • Multiple sclerosis is incurable: clinical course of 55 MS cases, 1986, ISBN 2-603-00605-3


  • Alternative Healthcare
  • Physician ( 20th century )
  • Swiss
  • Born in 1904
  • Died in 1992
  • Woman