Catholic Club of New York

The Catholic Club, actually Catholic Club of the City of New York, was a social charity Catholic orientation in New York City.

1863 Alumni of the College of Francis Xavier joined to a Catholic Club - Xavier Union - together to devote themselves to social and charitable projects. This was led by the Reverend Club PF Dealy, SJ, at its founding to the drafting history of his counterpart John Larkin, SJ referred to when he officially launched on March 13, 1871 presented him to the public.

With effect from 28 March of the same year Joseph Thoron was, SJ elected the first president and his intercession took over the following year, Archbishop John McCloskey, the official patronage and consequently this facility was until today under the protection of the acting Archbishop of New York.

With effect from 1 January 1888, the name was officially changed in Union Xavier Catholic Club of the City of New York.
