Célestin Nanteuil

Célestin Nanteuil ( born July 11, 1813 in Rome, † September 7, 1873 in Bourron Marlotte in Paris) was a French painter, draftsman and illustrator. His work is primarily attributable to the Romantic painting.

He came from a family of artists and began early ( 1827) with his training as a painter. His teachers have included Jean Charles Langlois and Jean -Auguste -Dominique Ingres. Around 1829, he met Victor Hugo know. From the acquaintance was a long-standing friendship.

Nanteuil returned too many books Hugo's illustrations, as well as for other contemporary writers such as Alexandre Dumas, Gérard de Nerval and Honore de Balzac.

Nanteuil was awarded medals for his works at the Paris Salon of 1837, 1848 and 1861, and also at the Universal Exhibition Paris 1867. Since 1848 he was the director of the museum and director of the Imperial School of Fine Arts in Dijon. He was a member of the Legion of Honour.
