Cerameicus Painter

The Kerameikos painter (English Cerameicus Painter ) was one of the first Attic black-figure vase painter. It was sometime around the year 600 BC active.

The Kerameikos painter is classified in time between the Nessus Painter and the Gorgon Painter, where he chronologically the Gorgon Painter seems a little closer. He is less productive than the Gorgon Painter and painted in a simpler, but more fluid style. He received his Notnamen by its Namenvase that was found on the Athenian Kerameikos. It is an Olpe, which can be considered as exemplary of the vase painting of the time. Of particular importance here are the animal friezes that divide the vase into several individual areas. A single mythological figure in the upper region is flanked by two in time particularly popular lion.
