
Keto (Greek Κητώ ), and keto, latin Cetus, in Greek mythology, a sea monster, whale or large fish.

Keto is the daughter of Pontos and Gaia. With her ​​brother, the old sea-god Phorkys, she gave birth to the Gorgons and Graiai and Echidna and Ladon. As the Ethiopian Queen Cassiopeia claimed to be much more beautiful than the Nereids, the beautiful sea nymphs, the sea god Poseidon sent at the request of the Nereids keto angered by Ethiopia to ravage the country, after which finally decided on the advice of a seer out Cassiopeia daughter Andromeda to sacrifice. Andromeda bound to a rock by the seashore, where she finally finds Perseus and flares up immediately in love. Keto is already swimming in this to, as Perseus for the rescue of Andromeda gets solicits from the approaching running parents and not only this, but promised the kingdom whose hand, should he succeed.

In one version of Perseus shows the monster Medusa's head, whereupon keto petrified sinking into the sea, in the version of Gustav Schwab it comes to a dramatic fight, used in the Perseus be obtained from Hermes magic sword. Perseus finally manages to kill keto.
