
Cezary is a Polish male first name as Polish form of the first name Caesar.

Bearers of the name

  • Cezary Grabarczyk ( b. 1960 ), Polish politician
  • Cezary Harasimowicz ( b. 1955 ), Polish screenwriter and actor
  • Cezary Kucharski (born 1972 ), Polish footballer
  • Cezary Pazura (born 1962 ), Polish actor
  • Cezary Plater (1810-1869), Polish- Lithuanian Count
  • Cezary Peter Simon (born 1969 ), Polish artist and composer
  • Cezary Skubiszewski ( b. 1949 ), Polish - Australian composer
  • Cezary Tobollik ( b. 1961 ), Polish footballer
  • Cezary Tomczyk ( born 1984 ), Polish politician ( Civic Platform )
  • Cezary Urban ( born 1963 ), Polish politician ( Civic Platform )
  • Cezary Wilk ( born 1986 ), Polish footballer
  • Cezary Zamana (born 1967 ), Polish cyclist